Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Piglet Cold

Alright people! So, the thing to freak out about lately is the swine flu. Schools are closing, people are panicking, chaos is ensuing. This is sort of ironic, as the first instruction from every news team and radio show was, "Don't panic!" More people die from the common flu every year, and people are freaking out over a flu named after a pig. A colleague of mine brought up an excellent point. Would people be freaking out if it weren't named, 'The Swine Flu'? Honestly. Would you be worried about something called the Piglet Cold or the Puppy cough?
There is a student out with the flu at my school. She has taken tests to tell whether or not
she has the Swine flu. Some teachers hope that it is. Then we can close up shop early and dismiss for the summer. Ha! Ha! No, but seriously...My son's pediatrician said that they have been extremely busy because there are people coming in to be checked for the flu that do not have any of the symptoms. They are, simply, freaking out because they have a ragweed allergy. Wowzahs! Let's not get ahead of ourselves, people. We've got a whole life to live, and I'm pretty sure it won't be ending with the Piglet Cold.


  1. i love the fact that there is a "pork is safe" advertisement on your comments on swine flu... congrats on the new blog. ~andrew

  2. I once knew a girl who had the WINE FLU..what is up with that???

    Love your blog; love YOU!

  3. As God tells us, use your talents! To a very creative mind - love you, Mom

  4. I don't know a better person to get paid to talk about stuff-- I love listening to you, I could listen to you to the pigs come home (HAHA). Hope to talk to you soon!
    Love, Angie

  5. You are absolutely right; there is more other sickness killing people everyday and nobody worries that much. Like you said people died of the regular flu, heart attacks, and even thousands of babies die because of abortion everyday, I guess heart attacks and abortion are not contagious that people don't worry about them. Ironic ah!

  6. so when you have a talk show on a major network, please invite me to the Lisa's Favorite Things episode! Love you! (Your mom said it all--you are a creative mind!)

  7. It's turned into a joke around here! Every cough or sneeze indicates swine flu. Right?!

    Hope you enjoy your blog! It's one of my favorite hobbies!
